Thursday, July 8, 2010


Okay, I have to be brutally honest here. I've only seen the first 30 minutes of this movie. But it was enough to make me want to gouge my eyes out with a spoon. One part I thought was funny: when that guy chases off that huge monster thing. And he starts yelling 'Yeah, you better run.' But that was it.
A few years ago, I made my mother watch Epic Movie. A move I regret now because it was so, so, so bad. So her revenge for that is making me sit through a movie I would hate and she would find fantastic. And she chose this movie. After the first 30 minutes she turned to me and said 'Your excused.'
Maybe if I was into the science fiction stuff I would like it. Or the fact that I could watch Pocahontas and get the same moral. Whats the hype about this movie again? That James Cameron was ahead of his time? By thinking up giant blue people that we could ultimately destroy? Could someone please explain this to me. Because the best movie I think Cameron has done is Ghosts of the Abyss and that's because how much work could honestly go into a documentary? Plus I'm utterly obsessed with Titanic. But the actual film he did 'Titanic' was okay, not spectacular but okay.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I tried to make you watch this one. You were the smart one by leaving the room. I shouldn't have wasting my time waiting for it to get better!
